
August 13, 2002
Numismatic Bibliography [Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Celtic]





























ACGC                          C.M. Kraay, Archaic and Classical Greek Coins, London, 1976
AC                              R.C.M. van den Brink and S.M. Lambert, AncientCoinage, Hilversum, 2002
Acta Archeologica          Acta Archeologica, Copenhagen
AIIN                            Annali del Instituto Italiano di Numismatica, Rome
AJN                             American Journal of Numismatics, New York, 1866-1924
Alföldi                          M.-R. Alföldi, Antike Numismatic (I-II), Mainz, 1978
AMNG                         B. Pick, K. Regling, F. Münzer, M.L. Strack, H. von Fritze, Die Antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands, Berlin 1873-1935
AMUGS                       Antike Münzen und geschnittene Steine, Publication des Deutches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin
ANS                            American Numismatic Society
ANS ACNAC                 ANS, Ancient coins in North American Collections
ANS MN                      ANS, Museum Notes, New York, 1946 ss
ANS NNM                    ANS, Numismatic Notes and Monographs
ANS NS                       ANS, Numismatic Studies
Antikenmuseum Basel   H. Cahn, L. Mildenberg, R. Russo, H. Voegtli, Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig, Griechische Münzen aus Grossgriechenland und Sizilien, Basel 1988
Ashmolean                  C.H.V. Sutherland, C.M. Kraay, Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the Ashmolean Museum, (I is Augustus, c. 31 BC-14 AD), Oxford, 1975
Asyut                          M. Price, N. Waggoner, Archaic Greek Coinage: The “Ansyut” hoard, London, 1975
Atti                             Instituto italiano de numismatica, Atti, Rome, 1954 ss
Attianese                     Pasquale Attianese, Calabria Greca, Greek coins of Calabria, I-III, Santa Severina, 1974

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Babelon                      E. Babelon, Description historique et chronologique des monnaies de la Republique Romaine, Paris/Londres, 1885-1886
BAR                            British Archaeological Reports, Oxford
Bauten Roms               H. Küthmann, B. Overbeck, D. Steinhilber, I. Weber, Bauten Roms auf Münzen und Medaillen, München, 1973
BCH                           Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénique, Paris/Athènes
Bellinger                      A.R. Bellinger, The Syrian tetradrachms of Caracalla an Macrinus, ANS NS 3, 1940
Bellinger, Dura-Europos A.R. Bellinger, Two Roman hoards from “Dura-Europos”, ANS NNM 49, 1991
Bertelè                        T. Bertelè, Numismatique byzantine, édition française, mis à jour et augmentée de planches par Cécile Morisson, Wetteren, 1978
BMC                           British Museum Catalogue of Greek Coins, London, 1873-1927
BMC IBC                     W. Worth, Catalogue of Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum, London 1908
BMC RE                      H. Mattingly, A.G. Carson, Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, (I-VI is till 238 AD), London, 1923 ss
BMC RR                      H.A. Grueber, Coins of Roman Republic in the British Museum (I-III), London, 1910
BN                             Bibliothèque Nationale, Cataloque des monnaies, Paris
BN B                           C Morrisson, Bibliothèque Nationale, Catalogue des monnaies Byzantines, Paris, 1970
BN ER                         J.B. Giard, Bibliothèque Nationale, Cataloque des monnaies de l’empire Romain, I, Auguste, Paris, 1976
BN J                           The British Numismatic Journal, London, 1903 ss
Boston A.                     Baldwin Brett, Museum of Fine Art, Boston, Catalogue of Greek coins, Boston, 1955

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CAC                           D.F. Allen, D. Nash, Coins of the Ancient Celts, Edinburgh, 1905
Carson                        R.A.G. Carson, Principal Coins of the Romans (I, II, III), LONDON, 1978-1981
CIN                            Congrès International de Numismatique
CNR                           A. Banti, L. Simonetti, Corpus Nummorum Romanorum, Florence, 1972 ss
CNR MR                      A Banti, Corpus Nummorum Romanorum Monetazione Republicana, Florence, 1980 ss
CNS                           R. Calciati, Corpus Nummorum Siculorum (I, II, III), Milano/Mortara, 1983-1987
Cohen                        H. Cohen, Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l’empire Romain communément appelées imperials, (I-VIII) 2ème edition, Paris/Londres, 1880-1892
Colbert                       J.-B. Colbert de Beaulieu, Méthologie des ensemble, (I, Celtic coinage), Paris 1892
Crawford                     M.H. Crawford, Roman Republic coinage (I-II), Cambridge, 1974

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Dattari                        G. Dattari, Monete imperiali greche. Num. Augg. Alexandrini Catalogo della collezione G. Dattari compilata dal proprietario Cairo, 1901
Davis-Kraay                N. Davis – C.M. Kraay, The Hellenistic Kingdoms. Portrait Coins and History, London, 1973
De Hirsch                    P. Naster, La collection Lucien de Hirsch, Catalogue des monnaies grecques, Bibliothèque Royal de Belgique, Cabinet des Médailles, Bruxelles, 1959
De Luynes                   J. Babelon, catalogue de la collection de Luynes I-IV, Paris, 1924-1936
Dewing                       S. Hurter, L. Mildenberg, The Arthur S. Dewing collection of Greek Coins, ACNAC 6, 1985
DO                             A. Bellinger – P. Grierson, Byzantine coins un the Dubarton Oaks collection and in the Whittemore collection, Washington, 1966-1973
DOC                           R. Bellinger, Ph. Grierson, Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks and Whittemore Collections (I-III), Washington (DC), 1966 ss

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ERC                           R. Thomsen, Early Roman Coinage (I, II, III), Copenhagen 1957-1961
ESM                           E.T. Newell, The coinage of the Eastern Seleucid Mints from Seleucus I to Antiochus III, ANS NS 1, 1938
Essays, Carson-Jenkins M. Price, A. Burnett, R. Bland et al., Essays in honour of Robert Carson and Kenneth Jenkins, London, 1993
Essays Kraay-Mørkholm G. Le Rider, G.K. Jenkins, N. Waggoner, U. Westermark et al., Kraay-Mørkholm Essays, Numismatic Studies in memory of C.M. Kraay and O. Mørkholm, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1989
Essays, Robinson          C.M. Kraay, G.K. Jenkins et al., Essays in Greek coinage presented to Stanley Robinson, Oxford, 1968
Essays, Thompson        O. Mørkholm. N.M. Waggoner et al., Essays in honour of Margaret Thompson, Wetteren, 1979

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Forrer                         R. Forrer, Keltische Numismatik der Rhein- und Donaulande (I-II), édition revue et corrigée, Graz, 1968-1969
Forrer I                       R. Forrer, Keltische Numismatik der Rhein- und Donaulande, 1st edition, Graz, 1908
Forrer II                      R. Forrer, Keltische Numismatik der Rhein- und Donaulande, 2nd edition, Graz, 1968
Fuchs                         G. Fuchs, Architekturdarstellungen auf römischen Münzen der Republik und der frühen Kaiserzeit, AMUGS I

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Gabrici                        E. Gabrici, La monetazione del bronzo nella Sicilia antica, Palermo, 1927
Gallatin                       A. Gallatin, Syracusan Dekadrachms of the Euainetos Type, Cambridge Mass, 1930
Giard                          J.B Giard, Bibliothèque Nat., Catalogue des monnaies de l’empire romain, Paris, 1988
Giesecke                     W. Giesecke, Sicilia Numismatica, Leipzig, 1923
Glaux                         Collana di studi e ricerche di numismatica, Milano
Göbl AN                      R. Göbl, Antike Numismatik (I-II), München, 1978
Göbl OTA                     R. Göbl, Ostkeltischer Typen-Atlas, Braunschweig, 1973
Grierson                      Ph. Grierson, Byzantine Coins, London/Berkly, 1982
Grose                         S.W. Grose, Fitzwilliam Museum, Catalogue of the Mc-Clean Collection of Greek Coins, Cambridge, 1923-1929
Gulbenkian I                E.S.G. Robinson, M. Castro Hipolito, A catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian collection of Greek coins, Part I, Italy-Sicily-Carthago, Lisboa, 1971
Gulbenkian II               G.K. Jenkins, M. Castro Hipolito, A catalogue of the Calouste Gulbenkian collection of Greek coins, Part II, Greece to East, Lisboa, 1989

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Haeberlin                    Collection E.J. Haeberlin, A.E. Cahn – A. Hess Nachf., Frankfurt, 17 July 1933
Head                          B.V. Head, Historica Numorum, A manual of Greek numismatics, 2ème edition, Oxford, 1911
Hahn                          W. Hahn, Moneta omperii byzantini, (I-II), Vienna, 1973-1975
Histoire Auguste           A. Chastagnol (éd.), Histoire Auguste; les empereurs romains des 2ème et 3ème siècles, Paris, 1994
Holloway                     R. Ross Holloway, Art and Coinage in Magna Graecia, Bellinzona, 1978
Hunter                        A.S. Robertson, Roman Imperial Coins in the Hunter Coin Cabinet, University of Glasgow, (I-V), Glasgow, 1962-1982
Hunterian                    G. Mac Donald, Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, 1899-1905

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ICC                            B.K. Thurlow – I.G. Vecchi, Italian Cast Coinage, Italien aes rude, signatum and aes grave of Sicily, London, 1979
IGCH                          An Inventory of Greek coin Hoards, New York, 1973
Inv. Wadd.                  E. Babelon, Inventaire sommaire de la collection Waddington, acquise par l’état en 1897, Paris, 1898.

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Jameson                     Collection R. Jameson, Paris, 1913-1932
JbNG                          Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte, München, 1949 ss
JMP                            Jaarboek voor Munt- en Penningkunde, Amsterdam, 1914 ss
Jenkins                       G.K. Jenkins, Ancient Greek Coins, London, 1972
JIAN                           Journal International d’Archéologie Numismatique, Paris/Athènes
JNG                            Jahrbuch für Numismatik & Geldgeschichte, ausgaben der Bayerische Numismatische Gesellschaft, München

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Kankelfitz                    B.R. Kankelfitz, Katalog römischer Münzen, Von Popejus bis Romulus, (I-II), München, 1974-1976
Kent-Hirmer                J.P.C. Kent, M. and A. Hirmer, Roman Coins, London, 1978
Kraay                         C.M. Kraay, Archaic and Classical Greek Coins, London, 1976
Kraay-Hirmer               G.M. Kraay, M. Hirmer, Greek Coins, London, 1966
Kunstfreund                 Griechische Münzen aus der Sammlung eines Kunstfreundes, Bank Leu AG/Münzen und Medaillen AG, Zürich, 28 mai 1974

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Laffaille                       M. Laffaille, Choix de monnaies grecques en bronze, Rolle, 1982
Lindgren                      H.C. Lindgren, F.L. Kovacs, Ancient bronze coins of Asia Minor and the Levant from the Lindgren collection, San Mattéo, 1985
LRBC                          P.V. Hill, J.P.C. Kent and R.A.G. Carson, Late Roman Bronze Coinage, London, 1978
LT                               Henri de la Tour, Atlas des monnaies gauloises, Paris, 1892

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MIB                            W. Hahn, Moneta Imperii Byzantini, Wien, 1973-1981
MIRB                          W. Hahn, Moneta Imperii Romani-Byzantini, Die Ostprägung des Römischen Reiches in 5ten Jahrhundert (408-491), Wien, 1989
Mionnet                      T.E. Mionet, Description des m’dailles antiques, grecques et romaines, Graz, réédition 1972-1974
Moneta                       H. Zehnacker, Moneta, Recherches sur l’organisation et l’art des émissions monétaires de la Republique romaine, (289-31 BC), Rome, 1983
Müller                         L. Müller, Numismatique dÁlexandre le Grand, suivre dun appendice contenant les monnaies de Philippe II et III, Copenhaque, 1855
Muntenwijzer                A. Zadoks-Josephus Jitta, W.  v. Es, Muntwijzer voor de Romeinse tijd, Bussum, 1974

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NAC                           Numismatica e Antichità Classiche, Quaderni Ticinesi, Lugano
Nash                          E. Nasch, Bildlexikon zur Topographie des Antiken Rom, Tübingen, 1962
NC                             Numismatic Chronicle, publication of the Royal Numismatic Society, London, 1838 ss
NNA                           Nordisk Numismatisk Årsskrift, Copenhagen, 1936 ss
NL                              Numismatic Literature (bibliographical survey), New York, 1947 ss
Nomisma                    H. von Fritze, H. Gaebler, Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet der antiken Münzkunde, Berlin, 1907-1923

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Pozzi                          Catalogue de monnaies grecques antiques provenant de la collection de feu le Prof. S. Pozzi, Naville, Genève, 1921
Preda                         C. Preda, Monedele geto-dacilor (Celtic mint, mouth of the Danube), Bucarest, 1973
Price                           M.J. Price, The coinage in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaes, Zürich/London, 1991
Price-Trell                    M.J. Price and B.L. Trell, Coins and their cities, London/Detroit, 1977

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QT      Quaderni Ticinesi di Numismatica e Antichita Classiche, Lugano

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RBN                           Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie, publication de la Societé Royale de Numismatique, Bruxelles, 1845 ss
Ratto                          Monnaies Byzantines et d’autres pays contemporains à l’époque Byzantine, R. Ratto, Lugano, 9 décembre 1930
Rec. Gén.                    W.H. Waddington, E. Babelon et Th. Reinach, Recueil Générale des monnaies grecques d’Asie Mineure, Paris, 1908-1925
RIC                            H. Mattingly, E.A. Sydenham et al., The Roman Imperial Coinage, London, 1923 ss
RIN                            Rivista Italiana di Numismatica publication of the Italic Numismatic Society, Milano
Rizzo                          G.E. Rizzo, Monete greche delle Sicilia, Roma, 1946
RN                             Revenu Numismatique, publication of the French Numismatic Society, Paris, 1836 ss
RNS                           Royal Numismatic Society, London
Rosen                         N.M. Waggoner, Early Greek coins from the collection of Jonathan P. Rosen, ACNAC 5, 1983
RPC                           A. Burnett, M. Armandy, P. Ripollès, Roman Provincial Coinage, (I), London/Paris, 1992
RSN                           Revue Suisse de Numismatique, publication of the Swiss Numismatic Society, Bern
Rutter                         N.K. Rutter, Campanian coinage 475-380, Edinburgh, 1979

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Sambon                      A. Sambon, Les monnaies antiques de l’Italie, Paris, 1903
Scheers                       S> Scheers, La Gaule Belgique, (II, Celtic coinage in “Gallia Belgica”), Paris 1977
Sear                           D.R. Sear, Greek Imperial Coins and their values, The local coinage of the Roman Empire, London, 1982
Sear’s BCV                   D.R. Sear, Byzantine Coins and their Values (I), London, 1974
Sear’s GCV                  D.R. Sear, Greek Coins and their Values (I-II), London, 1978-1979
Sear’s RCV                  D.R. Sear, Roman Coins and their Values (I), London, 1980
SLM                            K. Castelin, Keltische Münzen, Katalog der Sammlung im Schweizerischen Landesmuseum, Stäfa s.d., 1978
SM                             Scheizer Münzblätter, Publication of the Swiss Numismatic Society, Basel, 1949 ss
SMA                           E.T. Newell, The Seleucid Mint of Antioch, New York, 1918
SNG                           Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, an important publication of coin collections in in large group of international musea
SNG ANS                     The collection of American Numismatic Society, New York, 1969 ss
SNG Ashmolean            Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1951 ss
SNG van Aulock            Germany, Sammlung H. Von Aulock, Berlin, 1957-1968
SNG Berry                   The Burton Y. Berry collection, New York, 1961-1962
SNG BM                      The British Museum, London, 1933 ss
SNG BN                       France 2 et 3, Cabinet des Médailles, Cilicie, Paris, 1993 ss
SNG Copenhagen         Royal collection of coins and medls, Danish Nat. Museum, Copenhagen, 1942-1979
SNG Delepierre             Franc 1, Collection Jean et Marie Delepierre, Bibliothèque Nationale, Cabinet des Médailles, Paris, 1983
SNG Evelpidis               Collection Réna H. Evelpidis, Athènes, Louvain, 1970-1975
SNG Fitzwilliam            The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Leake and general collection, London, 1940-1971
SNG Keckman              Finland, The Erkki Keckman Collection in the Skop Bank, Helsinki, Part I, Karia, Helsinki, 1994
SNG Levante                Switzerland I, E. Levante, Cilicia, Berne, 1986; Ibid., Supplement 1, 1993
SNG Lloyd                   The Lloyd collection, London, 1933-1937
SNG Lockett                 The Lockett collection, London, 1938-1957
SNG München              Deutschland, Staatliche Münzsammlung München, Berlin/München, 1968 ss
SNG Righetti                Schweiz II, Münzen der Antike, Bern/Stuttgart/Wien, 1994
SNG Spenser-Churchill   The collection of Capt. E.B. Spencer-Chruchill, M.C. of Northwick Park, London, 1931
SNG Stockholm            Sweden II, The collection of the Royal coin cabinet, National Museum of monetary history (I), Stckholm, 1976
SNG Tübingen              Münzesammlung der Universität Tübingen, Berlin, 1981 ss
Strauss                       P. Strauss, Collection Maurice Laffaille, Monnaies grecques en bronze, Bâle, 1990
Sutherland                   C.H.V. Sutherland, Roman Coins, London, 1974
Svoronos                     J.N. Sovoronos, L’hellénisme primitif de la Macédoine prouvé par la numismatique et l’or du Pangée, JLAN 19, Paris/Athènes, 1919
Sydenham                   A.E. Sydenham, The coinage of Caesarea in Cappadocia, New York, 1978 (reprint)
Sydenham RR              A.E. Sydenham, The coinage of the Roman Republic, London, 1952

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TNA I                          The Numismatic Auction Ltd., I, Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins, New York, December 13, 1982
TNA II                         The Numismatic Auction Ltd., II, Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins, New York, December 12, 1983
TNA III                        The Numismatic Auction Ltd., III, Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins, New York, December 1, 1985
Traité                         E. Babelon, Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines, Paris, 1907-1932
Typos                          Typos, publication de la Société Suisse de Numismatique

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Vestigia                       Vestigia Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, München
Victoor                        R. Victoor, Roulles Celtes et Objects Assimilés, Rosendaël-lez-Dunkerque, 1989
Villaronga                    L. Villaronga, Nummum Hispaniae ante Augusti Aetatem, Madrid, 1994
Vlasto                          O.E. Ravel, Descriptive catalogue of Tarentine coins formed by M.P. Vlasto, London, 1947

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WAW                          Wealth of the Ancient World, The Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt Collection, Beverly Hills, 1983
WCN                          D.W. MacDowell, The Western Coinage of Nero, (ANSNNM 161), New York, 1979
Weber                        L. Forrer, the Weber Collection of Greek coins (I-III), London, 1922-1929
Winterthur                   H. Bloesch, Münzkabinet der Stadt Winterthur, Griechische Münzen in Winterthur, Winterthur, 1987
Whitting                      P.D. Witting, Byzantine Coins, London, 1973
Wruck                         W. Wruck, Die syrische Provinzialprägung von August bis Trajan, Stuttgart, 1931

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Youroukova      Y. Youroukova, The coins of the ancient Thracians, Oxford, 1976

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Zacos                         G. Zacos, A. Veglery, Byzantine Lead Seals, (I-II), Basel/Bern, 1972-1984
ZfN                            Zeitschrift für Numismatik, Berlin, 1874-1935
Zograph                      A.N. Zograph, Antichnye Monety (1951) ancient monetary systems (1977), Moscow or Oxford, 1951 or 1977

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